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That sounds a bit smug but I’m feeling quite chuffed – Mollie & Claire nominated me for the Liebster award. Liebster is German and means dearest.



I still find it quite hard to believe that my blog gets read, followed and even nominated! Awards are a great way of featuring other blogs but it’s not all fun and games – there are responsibilities too!

So a Liebster Award means:

  • Listing 11 bloggers and letting them know they’ve been nominated.
  • Sharing 11 facts about yourself.
  • Answering 11 questions from your tagger and
  • Setting 11 questions for nominees.

Here goes.

  • First, and most importantly, the nominees. I’m awarding the Liebster Award for all or some of the following reasons: content I enjoy taking the time to read, pleasing aesthetics, great inspiration and good interaction.
  1. According to Matt 
  2. Chrissie knits
  3. February twelve 
  4. Knitspiring odyssey
  5. Knitting Konrad
  6. Lottie knits
  7. Moby knit
  8. Monster yarns
  9. Sara crafts
  10. Pixelknit’s ponderings
  11. Strings ‘n things
  • 11 facts about me
  1. I have to count my money in English even though I’m living in Germany and speak German fluently
  2. I have always loved reading but have read even more since I first got my Kindle
  3. I am so scared of heights that I have had to be helped out of places and certain film shots can make me feel ill
  4. I drink ridiculous amounts of coffee and tea and whenever I go over to Britain I empty the supermarket’s shelves of tea.
  5. I do not have green fingers – I can manage a few orchids and my husband does the beautiful balcony ‘gardening’.
  6. I find it very difficult to say ‘no’
  7. I love good homemade soup
  8. I never take enough photos
  9. Spending time working with the under-sixes has affected my hearing
  10. I frequently say ‘left’ and mean ‘right’ and vice-versa
  11. When I watch a film with subtitles I can’t help checking the translation

1. Have you made plans for Christmas yet?  Yes, plans are made for a modest amount of gift knitting.

2. If yes, when did you start? Thinking in July and knitting early August.

3. Do you have a pet? If you do, why did you choose him/her? No, I’m not really an animal person.

4. What is your favourite city and why? The one I live in! At the moment that’s Cologne. I’ve moved a fair bit – both as a child and since and I think it’s important to feel at home where you are and not want to be off elsewhere

5. What is your favourite thing to eat?  Tricky. I love food! Favourites include pasta, asparagus, avocados, and summer fruit….

6. What is your favourite place to craft?  The balcony in summer, surrounded by flowers and greenery. At Stitch ‘n’ Bitch one Monday a month, and otherwise, on the couch.

7. Are you a careful and pristine crafter or do you eat biscuits and drink coffee over your work? A bit of both – I don’t usually eat crisps and stuff when I’m crafting. I’ll get up and wash my hands if I have but I don’t think there’s a reason for avoiding drinks

8. Do you use Ravelry? Which bits do you utilise? I am definitely a Raveller 😉 I browse projects of patterns I’m interested in, I browse projects of yarn I have. I use forums for help. My stash is recorded, too.

9. How big is your stash? Very manageable, thank you very much. It fits in a box from a pair of knee-high boots and a large shopper.

10. Do you like everything in your stash? If not, why do you keep it? Yes, but I do have a ball of sock yarn that was given to me – it’s lovely greeny-blues but the nylon fibre seems to be plied too loosely with the wool and it gets mixed reviews on Ravelry.

11. If you could do anything right now, what would it be? I’d love a trolley dash in a wool shop with some of the lovely yarns that aren’t so easily available here or cost an arm and a leg!

  • Finally, here are my questions:
    1. Are you a monogamous crafter or surrounded by WIPs?
    2. How did you learn to do your craft?
    3. Do you craft alone or with others?
    4. Do you have other creative talents? Which?
    5. If you had 25 hours in a day, what would you do with the extra hour?
    6. Bricks-and-mortar or online shopping?
    7. Do you prefer paper books or e-books?
    8. What is your favourite place and why?
    9. What’s the strangest place you’ve ever knitted or crafted?
    10. Are the blogs you follow craft-related, friends’ blogs, a mix of the two, or something different?
    11. What have you learned from blogging?