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A very big thank-you to craftmanicmommy for nominating me for a Versatile Blogger award. I’m not sure how versatile my blogging is but it’s lovely to be shown some appreciation and collect another little award.

versatile-blogger-awardAs a child I was often tempted by those promises of hundreds of pen-friends, acquired by sending a postcard to the name at the top of a list, adding my own to the bottom and sending the list to a dozen of my friends. I never did them. Blog awards are a bit like chain letters: thank the person nominating you, then recommend some bloggers and let them know about it. But blog awards offer more: visit your nominator’s site and you’ll get to know of blogs you may not yet have come across.

As it’s actually not that long since I received a couple of other awards I’m going to have a little cheat here and link you to some wonderful blogs I nominated previously:

The WordPress Family Award and the Liebster Award where you can also read a few bits and pieces about me, too.

Now I’m off to knit a bit more (self-imposed deadline looming; more soon...)