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I learnt how to knit socks last summer. I’ve made 11 pairs in the 11 months since then. I take them on long car journeys, on the bus (it often stops people sitting next to me – the DPNs are a bit scary looking!) to waiting rooms, and I take them to Stitch ‘n’ Bitch. They are easy to pick up and put down which is perfect as I sometimes get asked for help.

In the spring, one of my Very Best Girlfriends decided she wanted to learn and I should teach her. Conveniently, she lives literally around the corner, so once the toe was cast on and she was whizzing through the foot, I could pop by to show her how to do the gusset shaping between instep and sole, and then again for the actual ‘turning the heel’ part. Sock One went well and VBF started on Sock Two. What with one thing and another, we hardly got together and didn’t get a chance to Talk Sock. I wondered how the project was progressing…

This week this VBF showed me her completed First Pair and the second sock of Pair Number Two! Not only that, talk now is of taking it up a level and adding a bit of texture to the socks. To top it off, she’s also been buying more sock yarn… some of it was even for me! Now which socks shall I make with this lovely colour?

Ball of mixed green yarn